A Purchase Order can be closed regardless of its status or whether it has received any shipment.
1. Create a purchase order by following the instruction here
2. Go to the Purchase Orders page by clicking "Purchase Orders" under the Orders tab in the left menu
3. Look up the purchase order you just created (you can filter the purchase orders by vendors, statues, or date range) and click on that order
4. Notice that this Purchase Order is now 'Open'
5. Go to the bottom of the page and you can click the "Close" button to close the purchase order. If you never received any items in this purchase order and you no longer need it, you can delete it and it will not show up in your list of Purchase Orders
6. Now try to receive part of the Purchase Order by following this tutorial.
7. Look up the Purchase Order again. Notice that you cannot delete this order now but you can close it
8. Receive the remaining quantity. Notice that you can close the order but not deleting it.
9. To close an order, please click the "Close Purchase Order" button.
10. The purchase order is successfully closed
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